
Password Construction Guidelines Policy for Universities

Password Construction Guidelines

Free Use Disclaimer: This policy was created by or for the SANS Institute for the Internet community. All or parts of this policy can be freely used for your organization. There is no prior approval required. If you would like to contribute a new policy or updated version of this policy, please send email to
Things to Consider:  Please consult the Things to Consider FAQ for additional guidelines and suggestions for personalizing the policy for your organization
Last Update Status: Updated June 2014

1.    Overview

Passwords are a critical component of information security. Passwords serve to protect user accounts; however, a poorly constructed password may result in the compromise of individual systems, data, or the Cisco network. This guideline provides best practices for creating secure passwords.

2.    Purpose

The purpose of this guidelines is to provide best practices for the created of strong passwords for University.

3.    Scope

This guideline applies to employees, contractors, consultants, temporary and other workers at University, including all personnel affiliated with third parties. This guideline applies to all passwords including but not limited to user-level accounts, system-level accounts, web accounts, e-mail accounts, screen saver protection, voicemail, and local router logins.

4.    Statement of Guidelines

All passwords should meet or exceed the following guidelines

Strong passwords have the following characteristics:
·      Contain at least 12 alphanumeric characters.
·      Contain both upper and lower case letters.
·      Contain at least one number (for example, 0-9).
·      Contain at least one special character (for example,!$%^&*()_+|~-=\`{}[]:";'<>?,/).
Poor, or weak, passwords have the following characteristics:
·      Contain less than eight characters.
·      Can be found in a dictionary, including foreign language, or exist in a language slang, dialect, or jargon.
·      Contain personal information such as birthdates, addresses, phone numbers, or names of family members, pets, friends, and fantasy characters.
·      Contain work-related information such as building names, system commands, sites, companies, hardware, or software.
·      Contain number patterns such as aaabbb, qwerty, zyxwvuts, or 123321.
·      Contain common words spelled backward, or preceded or followed by a number (for example, terces, secret1 or 1secret).
·      Are some version of “Welcome123” “Password123” “Changeme123”
You should never write down a password. Instead, try to create passwords that you can remember easily. One way to do this is create a password based on a song title, affirmation, or other phrase. For example, the phrase, "This May Be One Way To Remember" could become the password TmB1w2R! or another variation.
(NOTE: Do not use either of these examples as passwords!)

5.    Policy Compliance

5.1  Compliance Measurement
The Infosec team will verify compliance to this policy through various methods, including but not limited to, periodic walk-thrus, video monitoring, business tool reports, internal and external audits, and feedback to the policy owner.

5.2  Exceptions

Any exception to the policy must be approved by the Infosec team in advance.

5.3  Non-Compliance

An employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

6     Related Standards, Policies and Processes


7     Definitions and Terms


8     Revision History

Date of Change


Summary of Change

June 2014

SANS Policy Team

Separated out from the Password Policy and converted to new format.

Haya Al-Shareef. 

This policy was retrieved from:

Please visit the website for ore information about this risk and other interesting risk policy. 

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