
Anti-Virus Guidelines

Free Use Disclaimer: This policy was created by or for the SANS Institute for the Internet community. All or parts of this policy can be freely used for your organization. There is no prior approval required. If you would like to contribute a new policy or updated version of this policy, please send email to

Things to Consider:  Please consult the Things to Consider FAQ for additional guidelines and suggestions for personalizing the SANS policies for your organization.

Last Update Status: Retired

Recommended processes to prevent virus problems:


  • Always run the corporate standard, supported anti-virus software is available from the corporate download site. Download and run the current version; download and install anti-virus software updates as they become available.
  • NEVER open any files or macros attached to an email from an unknown, suspicious or untrustworthy source. Delete these attachments immediately, then "double delete" them by emptying your Trash.
  • Delete spam, chain, and other junk email without forwarding, in with Effat University's Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Never download files from unknown or suspicious sources.
  • Avoid direct disk sharing with read/write access unless there is absolutely a business requirement to do so.
  • Always scan a floppy diskette from an unknown source for viruses before using it.
  • Back-up critical data and system configurations on a regular basis and store the data in a safe place.
  • Install Anti-Virus in the computer system at Effat University to protect against viruses.
  • Update Anti-Virus program daily to keep safe from new viruses.
  • Before proceeding with any virus threat email make sure that it is not Hoax. In Hoax emails the attacker ask the victim to delete essential system file with fake warning that they are infected.

5       Related Standards, Policies and Processes


6       Definitions and Terms


7       Revision History

Date of Change


Summary of Change

Dec 2013

SANS Policy Team

Converted format and retired.





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