
Internet Service Loss Threat

Internet Service Loss: The organization’s information system depends on the successful operation of many inter-dependent support systems including Internet service. Internet service and communications issues are dramatically affect the availability of information and systems. It's getting worse when an organization use Cloud Service for their daily transactions.
It is a sensitive and important situation to think about. Asking the following two questions will help in providing the proper  procedures to prevent and deal with such a threat. 

  1. What are the Countermeasures to prevent this threat to happen?
  2. What are the Responses to deal (reduce, stop) with the threat when the threat takes place?  
  • Check your router frequently: The router is the main reason behind our connection to the Internet because it acts as a service wireless access point. In addition that it routs the packets in the network. For that, you have to understand your router in order to prevent such a threat to happen. By that we will be able to enhance our connection to the network and function probably with out any delay or not accessing the cloud service as well. Furthermore, knowing the perfect spot of where to put your router really helps on enhancing the connection and prevents the loss. In other words, by putting it in the center of the work environment you will cover the major area possible and that will help in preventing the loss of the Internet. (Haya Al-Shareef)
  • Use a repeater: This will help in enhancing the signal; hence it will prevent the loss of the Internet service. Viz, it will act with an exciting signal by relaying it. This repeater is easy to install it and use it. More importantly, it will ensure a complete connectivity to the Internet. (Haya Al-Shareef).
  •  Contact with network providing company: i.e STC company to find a solution. By contacting the company you are solving half of the threat, as they will provide you with proper solution and ways to solve the problem. I addition they may send you a technician to solve the problem.  (Haya A-Shareef).
  •  Contact the IT department: when contacting them we are asking them to recover for this threat and try to re-access to the Internet. The IT department should provide the company or the organization with backup they did incase of these situations. for that me as a user i will contact the IT immediately in order for me to continue my work.  (Haya Al-Shareef)
  •  Always make sure that the internet subscription is valid and is not expired. (Khadija tul Qubra)
  • To prevent the fiber connection down problem always have 2 different fiber connections coming from different pathways so if one is down due to natural disaster or another  problem the other will work. (Khadija tul Qubra)

  •  If none of the computers can connect to the internet then check the cable that connects with the router if it is in right condition and change it to see if the internet connection is back. (Khadija tul Qubra)

       Prevention for fiber connection on physical level: 

  • If the fiber is down in your premises then find out where is the fault and if there is a possibility of a joint then make it up. (Khadija tul Qubra)

  • Conducting checkups and maintenance  frequently on the computers, networks and hardware to make sure everything is working well and if any problem is found it can be fixed as soon as possible. (Gheidaa Alrifai)
  • Subscribing to multiple Internet service providers so if one doesn't work the company  can connect to a different service. (Gheidaa Alrifai)

  • The company can use their own Intranet (LAN) to carry on the critical activities in case Internet service is not connecting. (Gheidaa Alrifai)
  • Writing a detailed report about this incident describing the problem, causes and effects to avoid facing this problem in the future. (Gheidaa Alrifai)

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