
Social Engineering Awareness Policy for Universities

Free Use Disclaimer: This policy was created by or for the SANS Institute for the Internet community. All or parts of this policy can be freely used for your organization. There is no prior approval required. If you would like to contribute a new policy or updated version of this policy, please send email to
Things to Consider:  Please consult the Things to Consider FAQ for additional guidelines and suggestions for personalizing the SANS policies for your organization.
Last Update Status: Retired

1.     Overview

The Social Engineering Awareness Policy bundle is a collection of policies and guidelines for employees of the University.  This Employee Front
Desk Communication Policy is part of the Social Engineering Awareness
Policy bundle.

In order to protect the University's assets, all employees need to defend the integrity and confidentiality of the University's resources.

2.     Purpose

This policy has two purposes:

2.1 To make employees aware that (a) fraudulent social engineering attacks occur, and (b) there are procedures that employees can use to detect attacks.
2.1.0 Employees are made aware of techniques used for such attacks, and they                 are given standard procedures to respond to attacks.
2.1.1 Employees know who to contact in these circumstances.
2.1.2 Employees recognize they are an important part of the University’s                 security. The integrity of an employee is the best line of defense for protecting sensitive information regarding the University’s resources.
2.2 To create specific procedures for employees to follow to help them make the best choice when:
2.2.0 Someone is contacting the employee - via phone, in person, email, fax or online - and elusively trying to collect the University’s sensitive information.
2.2.1 The employee is being “socially pressured” or “socially encouraged or tricked” into sharing sensitive data.  More: the employee must not reveal texts or share any photos that contain any sensitive information through the Internet or any social network application (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp and Snapchat)

3.     Scope

Includes all employees of the University, including temporary contractors or part-time employees participating with help desk customer service.

4.     Policy

4.1  Sensitive information of the University will not be shared with an unauthorized individual if he/she uses words and/ or techniques such as the following:
4.1.1        An “urgent matter” 
4.1.2        A “forgotten password”
4.1.3        A “computer virus emergency”
4.1.4        Any form of intimidation from “higher level management”
4.1.5        Any “name dropping” by the individual which gives the appearance that it is coming from legitimate and authorized personnel.
4.1.6        The requester requires release of information that will reveal passwords, model, serial number, or brand or quantity of the University resources.
4.1.7        The techniques are used by an unknown (not promptly verifiable) individual via phone, email, online, fax, or in person.
4.1.8        The techniques are used by a person that declares to be "affiliated" with the University such as a sub-contractor.
4.1.1        The techniques are used by an individual that says he/she is a reporter for a well-known press editor or TV or radio company. Modification: Unless the individual announce that s/he has a permission to conduct journalistic report within the university because it is allowable to to host trusted local TV or radio companies
4.1.2        The requester is using ego and vanity seducing methods, for example, rewarding the front desk employee with compliments about his/her intelligence, capabilities, or making inappropriate greetings (coming from a stranger).
4.2  Action
4.2.1        All persons described in section 3.0 MUST attend the security awareness training within 30 days from the date of employment and every 6 months thereafter.
4.2.2        If one or more circumstances described in section 4.0 is detected by a person described in section 3.0, then the identity of the requester MUST be verified before continuing the conversation or replying to email, fax, or online.
4.2.3        If the identity of the requester described in section 5.1.1 CANNOT be promptly verified, the person MUST immediately contact his/her supervisor or direct manager.
4.2.4        If the supervisor or manager is not available, that person MUST contact the security personnel.
4.2.5        If the security personnel is not available, the person described in section 3.0 MUST immediately drop the conversation, email, online chat with the requester, and report the episode to his/her supervisor before the end of the business day. More: report any online social engineering suspicion to catch the IP address and take the required measures.

5.     Policy Compliance

5.1  Compliance Measurement
The Infosec team will verify compliance to this policy through various methods, including but not limited to, business tool reports, internal and external audits, and feedback to the policy owner.

5.2  Exceptions

Any exception to the policy must be approved by the Infosec team in advance.

5.3  Non-Compliance

An employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

6       Related Standards, Policies and Processes


7       Definitions and Terms


8       Revision History

Date of Change


Summary of Change

Dec 2013

SANS Policy Team

Converted format and retired.


Edited by: Norah M. Alzahrani :)

1 comment:

  1. It is very helpful information about social engineering awareness that will educate employees to avoid such as this attacks.

    I think you should change these colors will mike it better.
